SFL Contributors

Kamna Seth

Senior Director, ECE Initiatives

Amy Josephson

Education Manager, ECE Initiatives

Toni Cacace-Beshears

SFL Board Member

A. Ruth Okoye, Ed.D.

Director, K-12 Initiatives

Guest Contributors

Diana Bermudez, Ph.D, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor and Mental Health Consultant, Amare Counseling and Education

Tonia Durden Ph.D.

Clinical Professor and Birth through 5 Program Coordinator, Georgia State University

Danielle Fuentes Johnson


Smita Mathur, Ph.D.

Professor, James Madison University

Angèle Sancho Passe, M.A.

Author, Speaker, Consultant

Alana Dresden

SFL ECE Consultant & Adjunct Instructor - University of Wisconsin - Whitewater

Meghan Green

Assistant Professor of Raciolinguistic Justice in Early Childhood Teacher Education, Erikson Institute

Candace Yates

Vice President of Equity & Program Supports, Think Small

Rae Pica

Early Childhood Education Consultant, & Author

Rosemary Kendell, Ph.D.

Past President, Northern Virginia Association for the Education of Young Children (NVAEYC)

D. Reece Wilson, Ed.D.

Early Childhood Advocate

Mira Williams, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities Department, James Madison University

Navine Fortune Ed.D.

An Agent of Social Change, Member of The School Readiness Committee

Marsha Chan

Professor Emerita at Mission College in Santa Clara CA, an author and the publications director at Sunburst Media

Carrie Scruggs

SFL ECE Consultant

Rozemarijn Gesquiere

Language, Cultural and Character Education Teacher, Sunset Hills Montessori School

Mary Braxton

Early Childhood TA Specialist, Virginia Quality- Smart Beginnings of Rappahannock, VAAEYC Board member & SECA Rep

Tre Maxie

Director of External Engagement, Council for Professional Recognition

Stacey Park

SFL ECE Consultant; Instructor, Frostburg State University; Adjunct Instructor, Lord Fairfax Community College

Alan Guttman

Early Childhood Consultant, Former Director of Early Childhood Policy & Systems, IDEALS Inst Johns Hopkins U School of Education

Lauren Small

Owner, Early Education Business Consultants, LLC

Christy John, Ph.D.

Infant & Toddler Specialist

Donna Patton

Expert in Human Resources and Staff Management, Member Smart Beginnings

MaryEllen Lyles

Regional Manager, Bright Horizons; SFL ECE Consultant

Julaine Rosner


Rochelle Pleasant

SFL ECE Consultant and Adjunct Professor, Thomas Nelson Community College

Gauri Shirali-Deo

Special Ed Educator

Bev Schumacher

President, Learning Props, LLC.

Suad Hooper

Field Operations Manager, DLH Corporation

Daryl Carter

Fatherhood Coach